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Florida’s history & energy facts

HOWCO, a Florida based company has been serving Florida businesses for over 36 years! Since 1975!

How it all got started

HOWCO, a Florida based company has been serving Florida businesses for over 36 years! Since 1975, HOWCO has operated as a certified used oil collector, transporter and burner fuel processor. HOWCO is the premier customer service provider in our industry. Please see the map below for the counties that we currently serve.

Our founder, president and CEO Mr. Tim Hagan was a member of the original United Association of Used Oil Services (UAUOS) and a board member of National Oil Recyclers Association (NORA). NORA is a trade association representing over 200 of the leading recycling companies, working with the USEPA to develop the Used Oil Management Standards.

Florida energy facts

Florida’s per capita residential electricity demand is among the highest in the country, due in part to high air-conditioning use during hot summer months and the widespread use of electricity for home heating during winter months.

Geologists believe that there may be large oil and gas deposits off Florida’s western coast in the Federal Outer Continental Shelf. Florida is a leading producer of oranges and researchers are attempting to derive ethanol from citrus peel waste.

More petroleum-fired electricity is generated in Florida than in any other State. Source: http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/state/state_energy_profiles.cfm?sid=FL

What is Used Oil?

EPA’s regulatory definition of used oil is as follows: Used oil is any oil that has been refined from crude oil or any synthetic oil that has been used and as a result of such use is contaminated by physical or chemical impurities. Simply put, used oil is exactly what its name implies—any petroleum-based or synthetic oil that has been used. During normal use, impurities such as dirt, metal scrapings, water, or chemicals can get mixed in with the oil, so that in time the oil no longer performs well. Eventually, this used oil must be replaced with virgin or re-refined oil to do the job at hand EPA’s used oil management standards include a three-pronged approach to determine if a substance meets the definition of used oil. To meet EPA’s definition of used oil, a substance must meet each of the following three criteria:

  • Origin — the first criterion for identifying used oil is based on the origin of the oil. Used oil must have been refined from crude oil or made from synthetic materials. Animal and vegetable oils are excluded from EPA’s definition of used oil.
  • Use — the second criterion is based on whether and how the oil is used. Oils used as lubricants, hydraulic fluids, heat transfer fluids, buoyants, and for other similar purposes are considered used oil. Unused oil such as bottom clean-out waste from virgin fuel oil storage tanks or virgin fuel oil recovered from a spill, do not meet EPA’s definition of used oil because these oils have never been “used.” EPA’s definition also excludes products used as cleaning agents or solely for their solvent properties, as well as certain petroleum-derived products like antifreeze and kerosene.
  • Contaminants — the third criterion is based on whether or not the oil is contaminated with either physical or chemical impurities. In other words, to meet EPA’s definition, used oil must become contaminated as a result of being used. This aspect of EPA’s definition includes residues and contaminants generated from handling, storing, and processing used oil. Physical contaminants could include metal shavings, sawdust, or dirt. Chemical contaminants could include solvents, halogens, or saltwater.

Guidance for Used Oil Management Secondary Containment Requirements

Rule 62-710.401(6) sets out several requirements that apply to the storage of used oil in tanks or containers. These terms are not defined but should be interpreted broadly to include all types of containers that store used oil, including drip pans, portable collection containers and satellite accumulation containers. This means, for example, that all used oil storage tanks and containers must be labeled with the words “Used Oil” in order to minimize the risk of cross contamination. It also means that all tanks and containers must have secondary containment (unless they are double-walled) that has the capacity to hold 110% of the volume of the largest tank or container within the containment area.

The Department recognizes that it is not always practical to have specially constructed secondary containment for small containers, drip pans, portable collection containers, or satellite accumulation containers, and that the environmental risks of a spill of used oil from small containers is minimal. The Department will therefore assume that portable collection containers, satellite accumulation containers, and other small containers (those with a total capacity of equal to or less than 55 gallons) which are stored on an oil impermeable surface inside a structure will meet the secondary requirement**. In addition, any portable collection containers. Used Oil Management Fact Sheet.